Ten men who graduated from Stanford together go on to become successful in their vastly different fields while remaining good friends as they take on life’s challenges. Five years earlier, they pooled their money and bought a beachfront lot on Sunset Beach and built a magnificent beach house. Every year in July, they come to the beach house for a two-week reunion with their former dorm mates, who now live all over the world. This particular summer, there is an undercurrent of restlessness though. Are they ready to find that special someone who will share a future they can build on and a love that consumes them? During two magical weeks at the beach house, Cupid steps in to bring each man his soul mate, and in ways, both comical and anguished, leads them all on the path to true and lasting happiness.
One of the main stories in this book is based on a K.S. journal entry. The story touched me so much, I had to write it and give it a happy ending.